On May 2, in a landmark judgment, India’s Supreme Court, the highest court in the land, ruled that “no one can be forced to be vaccinated” and that “bodily integrity and personal autonomy” are protected under the law as a constitutional right.
-Vaccinated or not, everyone can equally transmit the virus;
-The science community has already acknowledged that vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission of the COVID-19 virus, both Dr. Keiran Moore, Ontario's Chief Medical Officer and Dr. Tam, Federal Chief Medical Officer agree its time to reassess the value of the vaccine passports because of their diminishing effectiveness;
WHO intends to take over nation states with unlimited authority to overrule Constitutional protections for future pandemics!
If a nation state signs the WHO Treaty a future pandemic, which the WHO would have full unilateral authority to declare, would allow the WHO to invoke the Treaty Powers as follows:
1. – The authority to declare what constitutes a pandemic (in the past, they have changed the definition). It could be the flu.
2. – They would decide what the quarantine requirements are; they could unilaterally decide to put you in a quarantine center or keep you home from work.
3. – They would determine how the new infection is diagnosed and what tests are used to measure it (prior example: the fraudulent PCR test used to increase case numbers for Covid).
4. – The WHO would decide how to prevent or treat the new disease. They could, yet again, deny doctors the ability to treat patients the way they would like.
5. – The authority to determine which medications are safe and who develops them. (They call the COVID jabs ‘Safe’).
6. – They would be in charge of how the new vaccines are promoted, including vaccine mandates.
>Conservative PartyのMelissa Lantsmanが未接種者の搭乗拒否について反対する誓願書を集めています。
> https://petitions.ourcommons.ca/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-3948
>-Vaccinated or not, everyone can equally transmit the virus;
>-The science community has already acknowledged that vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission of the COVID-19 virus, both Dr. Keiran Moore, Ontario's Chief Medical Officer and Dr. Tam, Federal Chief Medical Officer agree its time to reassess the value of the vaccine passports because of their diminishing effectiveness
We, the undersigned, oppose the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR), an attempt to implement the public health equivalent of a “one-world government” in violation of individual nations’ and citizens’ inalienable rights and sovereignty.
”Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point HA=危害要因 を分析し、CCP=重要な工程 を継続的に監視・記録する工程管理システムです。カナダ・オーストラリアでは1992年より順次導入、1993年には国際機関であるCAC(Codex Alimentarius Commission)にて採択されました。”
BC is the only province that views healthcare workers as expendable and for that we are on the brink of a healthcare disaster.
If you are as concerned as we are and want to help support us, please head over to our website and get yourself a sign to display in your yard. Businesses that can donate for fundraisers please contact us. We need to let the province know that we do not agree with sacrificing healthcare workers that were once hailed as heroes.
BCPS Employees for Freedom
Our Mission
As B.C. public servants we are committed to upholding the rights of all peoples, as protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. We are profoundly concerned by the implementation of mandatory proof of vaccination policies in our workplaces, the violation of employees’ medical privacy and human rights, and the associated coercion, discrimination and censorship of employees by public sector employers.
These infringements on the rights and freedoms of workers are grave threats to our democracy and the livelihood of all Canadians. Medical coercion and the violation of human rights are contrary to public service values. We invite all B.C. public servants to join with us to protect and advance the rights and freedoms of our fellow citizens.
If you or your partner have (or think you might have) monkeypox and you decide to have sex, consider the following to reduce the chance of spreading the virus:
・Have virtual sex with no in-person contact.
・Masturbate together at a distance of at least 6 feet, without touching each other and without touching any rash or sores.
・Consider having sex with your clothes on or covering areas where rash or sores are present, reducing as much skin-to-skin contact as possible.
・Avoid kissing.
・Remember to wash your hands, fetish gear, sex toys and any fabrics (bedding, towels, clothing) after having sex
・Limit your number of partners to avoid opportunities for monkeypox to spread.
VICTORIA – BCPS Employees for Freedom Society (BCPSEF) has received a $25,000 donation for its legal challenge against the provincial government’s ongoing proof of COVID-19 vaccination mandate for its 38,000 public service employees.
WATCH *NEW Employee Testimonials* – BC Public Service Employees Speak Out
Ana María – Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development
James – Public Safety and Solicitor General
Angela – Public Guardian and Trustee
The donor, who asked to remain anonymous and disclosed they were vaccinated, was moved to donate after their family member was terminated from the BC Public Service for not proving they received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. The donor’s family member was forced to sell their home so they can leave the province with their family to find new work.
“[This] is probably the most immoral act I have seen in my lifetime,” said the donor. “Now I see people I know moving to the U.S. or to Alberta to escape this government. Simply so they can have a personal health choice. It’s not the way it should be. We now live in the only province that has not rectified this wrongdoing.”
On April 8, 2022, the Province lifted all remaining COVID-19 restrictions, including the BC Vaccine Card for entry into public venues including restaurants, bars and movie theatres. However, the BC Public Service still requires its employees to show their digital ID BC Vaccine Card to work, regardless of their position. All other provinces and territories in Canada, including the federal government, have since rescinded their COVID-19 vaccine mandates and called employees placed on leave back to work.
BCPSEF is bringing a constitutional legal challenge against the provincial government’s executive Order in Council 627 and the BC Public Service’s Human Resources Policy 25 which make proof of COVID-19 vaccination mandatory for public servants. The Society is also filing a Section 12 Labour Relations Code complaint against the B.C. General Employees’ Union for failure to represent its tens of thousands of members in the matter.
Raising the funds necessary to cover legal costs has been a key priority for the Society.
“Knowing others care enough to support our legal action, especially with a donation of this magnitude, is very reassuring and beyond anything we imagined,” said the group’s fundraising and promotion lead.
“We hope this donation will encourage other concerned citizens to support our legal challenge as this case affects the employment rights of all Canadians and everyone’s lives here in B.C. We’re all seeing how the firings of thousands of health care workers and other public servants have affected our health care wait times, ferry sailing cancellations and other critical public services. We can’t afford to lose any more public servants in this province due to these senseless mandates.”
BCPSEF Society is represented by attorney Umar Sheikh, the former CEO of the BC Nurses’ Union. In a recent tweet, the Society has said they are prepared to take their case all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada if necessary.
For BCPSEF’s latest financial contributor, concern for the treatment of their fellow citizens and the loss of a cherished idea of what it means to be Canadian have inspired them to support the organization’s mission.
“I grew up to have great pride in Canadian values that champion inclusion and tolerance of others with different backgrounds and views, but I cannot reconcile these values with how our province and country are treating Canadians now who simply want medical choice and privacy. It has deeply injured my belief in Canada as a human rights leader and as a place to live.”
BC Public Service Employee Personal Stories
B.C. public servants from a wide range of professional backgrounds, government ministries and organizations have agreed to speak with BCPS Employees for Freedom Media and share their stories. Only employees’ first names or initials are used, and all testimonies have been prepared in accordance with the BC Public Service Oath of Employment and Standards of Conduct.
Learn More
BCPSEF is a registered not-for-profit society that stands for medical privacy and bodily autonomy of all peoples in British Columbia, as protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Michael Oswald's film “Princes of the Yen: Central Banks and the Transformation of the Economy” 『円の支配者』reveals how Japanese society was transformed to suit the agenda and desire of powerful interest groups, and how citizens were kept entirely in the dark about this.
A viral reprise: When COVID-19 strikes again and again
For New York musician Erica Mancini, COVID-19 made repeat performances.
March 2020. Last December. And again this May.
“I’m bummed to know that I might forever just get infected,” said the 31-year-old singer, who is vaccinated and boosted. “I don’t want to be getting sick every month or every two months.”
The ArriveCAN app, developed early in the pandemic, was meant to be a short-term measure forcing those entering Canada to follow the government's strict quarantine rules. But it's still with us here today, and now quietly being used for a new cross-border purpose, after recent software updates that have broadened the app's reach.
Mori vs Health Authorities Ombudsperson Complaint July 2022
In the same week that Alberta Health Services has rescinded all vaccination requirements for employment, the continued enforcement of this policy in BC has now led to such collapse of our healthcare system that the obvious evolution of these policies is now occurring.....people are dying because of critical staff shortages. The Public Health Officer is now facing countless legal challenges and there is overwhelming evidence to show that the COVID 19 vaccination was ineffective. As it was the decision of Health Authorities to terminate non-compliant employees, they are responsible for the resulting perfect storm....remove healthy non-compliant employees then try to manage a healthcare system where thousands of vaccinated are calling in sick for COVID.
As the scientific evidence mounts exposing the thousands of people who have experienced serious side effects from this vaccination (including Pfizer's own data), the continued obstruction of unvaccinated nurses back to work exhibits not only negligence but intentional harm to the public. One nurse can save hundreds of lives.
Israel Will Ban Cash Payments Over $4,400 on Monday
無回答 2022/08/01 14:44:49
私はデグリーは当然、マスター持ちもゴロゴロいる職場で働いてたけど、ワクチン出回るようになってみんな喜んで打ちに行ってた。秋にマンデイトになってやむなう打った人なんて一握り。私のように打たずに解雇されたのは全体の5%に満たない。どれだけ高学歴でも自分で考えしっかり調べて判断できる人は極小。喜んで打ちに行ってた人は内容物も知らないし、ひどい人は治験中ということすら知らなかった。「政府が(なぜかトップドクターと呼ばれてる人物)がsafe and effectiveと言ってるし、どの医者もそう言ってる。政府がおかしなものを勧めるわけないじゃない!私たちはコミュニティーを守る義務がある」と信じて疑わない。疑問を挟む人がいたら「頭のおかしい馬鹿」として100%否定する。自分は学歴もあって偉い賢いと思ってるから手の付けようがない。州が発表していたチャーチでさえ打てば打つほど入院も増え死亡率も上がると示しているのに見ようともしない(今は説明できないので政府がそのチャートを削除した)。
こう言う人たちは今でもsafe and effectiveを信じてる。感染しにくい、させにくい、感染しても軽症で済む、重症化しない、だから打って当然。
なるところはあるでしょう。BCでは未だにfully vaccinated でないとlong term care homeにいる親にも会えないし、入院してる家族のお見舞いも禁じている病院があるし、病院での検査でさえ付き添いは2回打ってないとダメ(これも病院によるかもしれないけど、先日ある検査をしに行くときに病院から電話があって「付き添いはfully vaccinated でないと病院に入れません」と言われました)。
Unvaccinated mothers facing up to $50,000 in maternity leave repayment to BC Government
Mothers on maternity leave who are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19 working in the BC Public Service are not only at risk of losing their jobs but repaying the entirety of their maternity leave top-up benefit as well.
スペシャリストのドクターのクリニックに妊婦健診なのですが、夫にも来てもらう予定でしたが、夫も来る事は可能だが、needs to
be fully vaccinatedと言われました。
'Drunk' Canadian PM Trudeau is slammed as a 'tone deaf embarrassment' for singing Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody at London hotel before Elizabeth II's state funeral
非ガバメントの団体でソーシャルワーカーの仕事をしている友人がministry of children and familyの職員とクライアントと3者でミーティングがある場合があるそうなんですが、これまで何故かQRコードのチェック無しでガバメントのミーティングルームを使えていたけど最近彼女が未接種だと知ったガバメントの人が彼女の入室を禁止したそうです。結局彼女の上司がガバメントの人に「そういう規定を設けるのなら今後はこちらのオフィスかクライアントの家でミーティングする様に」と伝えたそうです。彼女曰く「ガバメントのミーティングルームではすごく広い部屋を使っていて一人一人距離がすごくあったけど、うちのビルでやるようになってから会議室は狭くて隣同士もとても近い。それでマスク無しでやってる。いったいガバメントの私を危険人物とするscienceって何なんだろう」と言ってました。
While the provincial government pledges $118 million to help the overrun healthcare system, many doctors and other healthcare professionals are ready to work — if the province would drop its vaccine mandates.
publicorderemergencycommission.ca (https://publicorderemergencycommission.ca/share-your-views/)
Share Your Views
On April 25, 2022, the Government of Canada established the Public Order Emergency Commission (POEC) to inquire into the circumstances that led to the declaration of emergency that was in…
> To prevent illnesses and to help out busy children's hospitals, Kurji reinforced familiar advice:
- Keep up to date on COVID vaccinations and get an annual flu shot.
とあるのですが、” To prevent illnesses”の” illnesses”が直接RSVを指していないとしても、ダメじゃん、て思ったのは私だけでしょうか。
The new mRNA vaccine factory being built near Montreal by Moderna will help ensure Canada's health security in the face of more pandemics that are expected in the coming decades, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Monday.
The factory is expected to be completed in 2024 at the earliest and produce 100 million doses of mRNA vaccines per year. It will manufacture vaccines against COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses, including influenza and respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV.
Within 28 days after vaccination, some respiratory tract-related infections were reported with
greater frequency in the mRNA-1273 group than in the placebo group. Events of pneumonia
were reported by 0.3% and 0% of mRNA-1273 and placebo recipients, respectively. Respiratory
syncytial virus (RSV) infection was reported by 0.4% and <0.1% of mRNA-1273 and placebo
recipients, respectively.
Myocarditis in kids under 18 cases up by over 100X in Canada
Large Canadian hospital: before COVID, they'd see 2 cases per year. Now they see 27 in just 6 weeks. That's a 117X increase. But the CDC says it's only "slightly elevated."
知り合いが言うには”I’d like to share that my son’s friend was in a bad accident in Edmonton and was in hospital. He actually lost his leg (18 yrs old). After recovery and coming home he later went to get the v to get into bars and was told he had it. He couldn’t believe it. He investigated and found out hospital did it. ”
427さん、「カッコーの巣の上で(原題: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest)」と言う映画を見たことがありますか。もしまだだったら是非見てください。私は精神科の治療と聞いて注射による洗脳か映画でやってるような電気治療が思い浮かびました。
CANADIAN.🇨🇦 HEALTH CARE WORKERS/EVERYONE - BILL 36 - look it up, unbelievable:
Our Health Minister Adrian Dix is taking Bill 36 to the Legislature this week for its third reading. He has a majority in the Leg so the liberals can't stop him, but the public may be able. He's done this so quietly that we had no idea until now.
Dix is working on amalgamating our colleges into 6 regulating bodies for all professionals.
In this Bill he wants to take away the colleges being self regulating and the Registrants ability to vote in their boards. Instead he will appoint board members and those board members will create the bylaws and licensing bylaws including mandatory vxxination. This act gives him all encompassing power over us, With this Bill he can vxxine mandate ALL HEALTHCARE WORKERS-- Private and public. This is outlined in Section49 of this new Bill.
As a group we have been complaining to liberal MLAs and they said they can't stop it from passing but public outcry/outrage could. We don't have a big platform to do this and are asking
please help us.
Copied: MWC
無回答 2022/11/20 13:23:52
Don’t let Adrian Dix completely ruin BC healthcare, like he has public health! STOP Bill 36!
Please share to raise awareness and let people know to oppose Bill 36!
The new Health Professions and Occupations Act (Bill 36) is heading to legislature next Monday. There are serious concerns about how this new legislation will affect the governance of public and private health professions from creating amalgamated super colleges to removing the current elected board system to be replaced with ministerial appointment of board members. It is important that we voice our concerns on these matters. Please email your local MLAs with your specific concerns pertaining to these drastic changes. You can find a template here on our website.
Minister for Public Safety & Deputy Premier Mike Farnworth PSSG.Minister@gov.bc.ca or (604) 927-2088
無回答 2022/11/20 13:24:35
A message from the fired nurses of Nelson, BC with nurse Corrine Mori, who is sounding the alarm regarding Bill C-36 and proposed mandatory vaccines for ALL healthcare workers.
Let your MLA know that if he or she supports this bill, you will initiate a recall for his/her position.
Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world - even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet… we never seem to believe them.
Important to keep up the pressure on this vital issue! It’s being debated in the BC legislature this week.
Don’t let Adrian Dix completely ruin BC healthcare, like he has public health! STOP Bill 36!
Please share to raise awareness and let people know to oppose Bill 36!
The new Health Professions and Occupations Act (Bill 36) is heading to legislature next Monday. There are serious concerns about how this new legislation will affect the governance of public and private health professions from creating amalgamated super colleges to removing the current elected board system to be replaced with ministerial appointment of board members. It is important that we voice our concerns on these matters. Please email your local MLAs with your specific concerns pertaining to these drastic changes. You can find a template here on our website.
The launch date for the European Union’s (EU) new visa waiver system, called the European Travel Information Authorization System (ETIAS), is getting closer.
Education and work experience
First EU country you intend to visit
Background and eligibility questions will inquire about your medical condition, travel to war countries or places where you were deported or rejected, as well as criminal records
Just give up the car, they say. Just ride the bus. Just move into the city, and live in an apartment. Just turn in your guns. Just have less than two kids or none at all. Just let the government and its agents rate your social behaviors. Just stop eating the damn meat. Just use a smartphone passport to go where you want to go. It’s all for the good of the planet. It’s how you will save your own life and the lives of others.
Bill 36 contains provisions, which if enacted, will permit the Health Minister to appoint College Boards who must unilaterally establish vaccination requirements on all health practitioners for any illness the government deems requires vaccination, and to impose proof of up-to-date vaccination status as a condition of licensing. College registrars would be empowered to dismiss any application for licensing or renewal of license that does not contain proof of vaccination without notice or without a regulatory hearing. The legislation contains provisions that would allow the College to discipline any dissenters; those who speak out against the College policies or who fail to comply, with loss of license. It further enables the College to make “without notice” applications to the court to obtain orders of compliance, orders for entry into premises to search, seize or copy property, orders to secure premises and prevent an owner from entry, to order fines for non-compliance of up to $200,000, as well as to order jail time for up to six months if a healthcare worker is deemed to have made a false or misleading statement.
The passage of Bill 36 would enable the Health Minister to impose a Covid vaccine as a condition of licensing on all health practitioners in the province.
This proposed legislation encroaches on the common-law and statutory authority of self-governing professions, granted by the Health Professions Act of BC to govern themselves in the public interest. Bill 36 represents a significant departure from the independence of self-governing bodies. Such independence is crucial to the proper functioning of these professions, and to the optimal functioning of a democratic society.
The legislation represents an end run around democratic checks and balances. If the Health Minister wants to strip people of their right to personal medical autonomy, he ought to be up front with the health practitioners of British Columbia, and up front with the BC Legislature. Any provisions imposing vaccination as a condition of licensing ought to be submitted to the legislature in session, studied and debated and subjected to amendment, as is lawful and constitutionally required in a nation which requires democratic involvement in laws. This is especially true for laws that would have so profound an effect as to strip professionals of their ability to practice in their field and to provide for their families, unless they submit their bodily autonomy to the state. In passing Bill 36 into law, the BC Government would create a further service shortage in the already struggling BC healthcare system. This is about more than just practitioners and the government: the public will be harmed if Bill 36 is enacted.
The Canadian Society for the Advancement of Science in Public Policy (CSASPP) is a non-profit, non-partisan, secular, crowd funded, and volunteer driven organization that was created in response to popular community demand for a direct action initiative to counter BC’s COVID-19 related measures.
You are invited!❤️
A fundraiser for CSASPP
Vancouver area residents...
An evening of music and refreshments, guest speakers.
先日BC州政府がマンデイトをやっと取り下げるというニュースがありましたが、そこでは「”ごく少数の”(メディカルプライバシーを守り)ステイタスを明かさなかった人と、打たない選択をした人がadministrative leaveにあるが、仕事に戻っても良いことになった」とありますが、これは市民をミスリードしています。すでにleave without payにされたほとんどの職員は解雇されており、その人たちは仕事に戻るチョイスはありません。
Workers not going back
Contributed - Mar 13, 2023 / 10:40 am | Story: 415819
Re. B.C.'s healthcare COVID vaccine mandate could be made permanent (Castanet, March 10)
Recently, the provincial government rescinded its requirement for public service workers to be inoculated for Covid 19.
However, for the government to state the "small number" of employees who chose not to disclose their medical status or get jabbed and who were placed on administrative leave will be invited back is misleading.
The vast majority of employees who refused to comply with this draconian rule were terminated (fired) and they can't go back, no invite is coming. Right up until they were fired, they were forcibly placed on unpaid leave.
The government boasts 98% of the public service complied. But how many did so just to keep their careers and income to support their families?
Lyle Swann, Naramata
無回答 2023/03/15 16:58:11
Too little too late?
British Columbia may be rescinding their jab mandate for gov employees but not before 5 workers committed suicide due to financial burdens caused by vax mandates according to Margarida Cardoso,an axed legal public servant of 25 years
Eby just gave her a $600,000 payout out and then immediately rehired her to a $90,000 a year job onto the BC Hydro
無回答 2023/03/30 21:35:35
It appears Dr. Bonnie Henry has entered Hycroft Manor.
Recently, the provincial government rescinded its requirement for public service workers to be inoculated for Covid 19.
However, for the government to state the "small number" of employees who chose not to disclose their medical status or get jabbed and who were placed on administrative leave will be invited back is misleading.
The vast majority of employees who refused to comply with this draconian rule were terminated (fired) and they can't go back, no invite is coming. Right up until they were fired, they were forcibly placed on unpaid leave.
The government boasts 98% of the public service complied. But how many did so just to keep their careers and income to support their families?
Lyle Swann, Naramata
Vancouver, British Columbia
May 2 @ 9:00 am
May 4 @ 5:00 pm
National Citizen’s Inquiry
View Organizer Website
The National Citizen’s Inquiry Hearings Event in the city of Vancouver, British Columbia Canada.
This event takes place starting May 2nd to the 4th 2023. Hearings will take place from 9am – 5pm Pacific Time
You can register to attend in Vancouver.
You can register for the livestream event in Victoria.
A Citizen-Led Inquiry Into Canada’s COVID-19 Response
Canada’s federal and provincial governments’ COVID-19 policies were unprecedented. These interventions into Canadians’ lives, our families, businesses, and communities were, and to great extent remain, significant. In particular, these interventions impacted the physical and mental health, civil liberties and fundamental freedoms, jobs and livelihoods, and overall social and economic wellbeing of nearly all Canadians.
These circumstances demand a comprehensive, transparent, and objective national inquiry into the appropriateness and efficacy of these interventions, and to determine what lessons can be learned for the future. Such an inquiry cannot be commissioned or conducted impartially by our governments as it is their responses and actions to the COVID-19 which would be under investigation.
The National Citizen’s Inquiry (NCI) is a citizen-led and citizen-funded initiative that is completely independent from government. In early 2023, the NCI will hear from Canadians and experts and investigate governments’ COVID-19 policies in a fair and impartial manner.
The NCI’s purpose is to listen, to learn, and to recommend. What went right? What went wrong? How can Canadians and our governments better react to national crises in the future in a manner that balances the interests of all members of our society?
無回答 2023/05/03 00:37:20
Lawyer Testifies That Canadian Military Doctors Were Told Not to Report Vaccine Injuries
The Bank of Japan began testing its own CBDC in April after completing its proof-of-concept. Since October the Japanese Credit Bureau (JCB) has been building its own digital currency to simulate how people would be able to pay at restaurants with CBDC using credit cards. The company said that while it is currently using touch payments, JCB is working on providing mobile solutions for CBDC where users can pay via mobile app and even QR codes.
Date & Time
Oct 11, 2023 09:30 AM America/Toronto
**************** https://www.fca-caf.ca/en/pages/hearings/upcoming-hearings/71 You must request your own zoom link. Get it hear and then register for the October 11th hearing. This is important. I have heard that the court is being flooded with requests and this is a GREAT thing. 💥