カナダ側から11月16日に私にMailが来て、アメリカ側が11月29日からオープンするので、面接のアポイントメントを取るようにと言って来ていたので、今日アポイントを取ろうとしてTrusted Traveler Programsの自分のアカウントにサインインしたところ、Applications in progress Please remember to revisit our website for your application status update. Notification of when you may schedule an interview appointment (if one is needed)will only be posted here.とありました。
It is no longer necessary for some renewing members to attend an interview. Generally those who have not had changes to their information and have maintained their low-risk status will not require an interview.
トピ主さんにきたメールにも if one is needed とあったんですよね。
万が一面接が必要でも、日程は自分で選べるはずですが、帰国中に期限がきてしまうなら焦りますね。grace period もうないのかなと調べてみたら、ありました。
Existing NEXUS members who renew their membership before the expiry date printed on their card will retain their membership privileges for a 24 months grace period beyond their scheduled expiration. Therefore, please apply to renew your NEXUS membership before it expires.
>Friday night that the ArriveCAN app remains mandatory for all land travellers, but they can now show a printed receipt at the border if they don't have a smartphone or mobile data.