The TFSA contribution room is the total of all of the following:
-the TFSA dollar limit of the current year
-any unused TFSA contribution room from previous years
-any withdrawals made from the TFSA in the previous year
TFSA contribution room
You will accumulate TFSA contribution room for each year even if you do not file an Income Tax and Benefit Return or open a TFSA.
Investment income earned by, and changes in the value of TFSA investments will not affect your TFSA contribution room for the current or future years. For an example, see Example 1 – TFSA contribution room.
Example 2 には、Unused TFSA contribution room at the end of 2019 ($5,500) + total withdrawal made in 2019 ($4,000) + 2020 TFSA dollar limit ($6,000) = TFSA contribution room at the beginning of 2019 ($15,500). のように引き出した$4,000は枠に戻されている。そもそもこの例では投資で増えた分に関しての考慮自体がされていないから例としては不適当。46さんは論点が見えてないか英語理解できていないか。
> レス43さんのリンク先に、このように書いてありますよ。
The TFSA contribution room is the total of all of the following:
the TFSA dollar limit of the current year
any unused TFSA contribution room from previous years
any withdrawals made from the TFSA in the previous year
無回答 2021/06/18 09:39:29
Investment income earned by, and changes in the value of TFSA investments will not affect your TFSA contribution room for the current or future years. For an example, see Example 1
これはアカウント内で(引き出さずに)増えている分について言ってます。それは Example 1を見ればわかります。
トピ主さんの例で言えば、枠が40kのところ現在52kになっているけど、この増えた12kがあるから来年は6k増えないか、と言えばそんなことは無くちゃんと6k増えます。上記の英語の "changes in the value of TFSA investments will not affect your TFSA contribution room for the current or future years" の部分はこのことを言っています。
The TFSA contribution room is the total of all of the following:
the TFSA dollar limit of the current year
any unused TFSA contribution room from previous years
any withdrawals made from the TFSA in the previous year