Q: I received a partial refund. How can I request the remaining value?
If you received a refund that did not match the complete value of the ticket purchased (for example, you didn’t receive a refund for taxes, cancellation fees, baggage fees or some other reason), please fill out this refund request form and we will take care of your request.
Q: I previously requested a refund which was declined. What do I do?
A: As we have announced a new refund policy, you may now be eligible for a refund. To get your refund started, please follow the steps at the top of this page.
Air Canadaに聞いてくれというくらいだからAir Canadaのキャンセル料なのでは?エージェントの手数料ってせいぜい数十ドルでしょう?
Air Canadaは一切返金不可の激安チケットでさえ全額返金するって言ってるのだからそのトラベルエージェンシーに再度連絡した方がいいですね。