無回答さん、お一人でも’non of your business’という分別を持っておられる方にお会いできて嬉しく思います。ありがとうございました。
これを読む限り、ビーズショップのお手伝いは、ボランティアではなくunpaid work(タダ働き)と定義されます。
Volunteer service is offered by choice - it is not mandated or coerced. It contributes to the well-being of an individual or the community, and is usually coordinated by a nonprofit or public sector organization, and pays no salary or wages. Other forms of unpaid work include activities such as Community Service Orders and service placements required by schools. Although these offer support to the community, they have been ordered by an authority.
Volunteer work is often equated with unpaid work, and people who contribute their time and energy freely to build a better community don’t necessarily get the support systems and recognition they deserve. The community needs to protect and nurture the volunteer ethic.