You may be eligible to sponsor a spouse or a common-law or conjugal partner or dependent children living outside of Canada if:
The person you want to sponsor is a member of the family class. If he or she is not, you will not to be able to sponsor them.
You are 18 years of age or older;
You are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident;
You reside in Canada.
この文章を読む限り、お相手がPRを取らないとトピ主さんがカナダでFamily ClassでのPR申請は難しい気がします。
他の方がおっしゃっていた通り、お相手のWork permit申請時に帯同者としてcommon law partnerとしてカナダ国内の居住許可を申請するタイプじゃないですかね?