無回答 2018/10/01 17:26:31
”The Old Age Security pension
You may qualify for an Old Age Security pension if you:
have reached age 65; and
have resided in Canada for at least one year since reaching age 18 and from 1 January 1952; and
were a Canadian citizen or legal resident of Canada at the time of your departure; and
have resided in Canada since reaching age 18 and from 1 January 1952 or have periods of insurance to the National Pension System and/or the Japanese pension systems for employees since reaching age 18 and from 1 January 1952 for a total of at least 20 years.”
この文春の中で”or legal resident of Canada at the time of your departure”の部分を読んで思ったのですが、カナダの大学に学生ビザで滞在してた期間も含まれるるのでしょうか?いままで、PR取得からだと思っていたのですが、この文章読むと学生ビザでカナダ滞在していた期間も含まれるような気がするのですが。ご教授お願いします、