Res.2 |
バンクーバー 2018/06/18 20:13:03
Employment Insurance (EI) and voluntarily leaving
トピ主さんのケースはjust causeとして認められるはずです。下の条件の4と7に該当しそうです。ちなみに残業代をきちんと支払ってもらっていなかった場合もjust causeになると記されています。
辞める準備ができたら念のためにService Canadaの係員にEIは無事出るかと相談すれば完璧です。
A number of circumstances for quitting are considered just cause
You are justified voluntarily leaving your job in the following situations if, considering all the circumstances, quitting your job was the only reasonable alternative in your case:
1. sexual or other harassment
2. needing to move with a spouse or dependent child to another place of residence
3. discrimination
4. working conditions that endanger your health or safety
5. having to provide care for a child or another member of your immediate family reasonable assurance of another job in the immediate future
6. major changes in the terms and conditions of your job affecting wages or salary
7. excessive overtime or an employer’s refusal to pay for overtime work major changes in work duties difficult relations with a supervisor, for which you are not primarily responsible
8. your employer is doing things which break the law discrimination because of membership in an association, organization or union of workers pressure from your employer or fellow workers to quit your job