General Income Tax Guide-->Page46-->Line330 参照
Line 330 – Medical expenses for self, ▼
spouse or common-law partner, and your
dependent children born in 1996 or later
You can claim on line 330 the total eligible medical
expenses you or your spouse or common-law partner paid
■ yourself;
■ your spouse or common-law partner; and
■ your or your spouse’s or common-law partner’s children
born in 1996 or later.
Medical expenses for other dependants must be claimed on
line 331.
You can claim eligible medical expenses paid in
any 12-month period ending in 2013 and not claimed
for 2012. Generally, you can claim all amounts paid, even if
they were not paid in Canada. Your total expenses have to
be more than 3% of your net income (line 236) or $2,152,
whichever is less