>Ledger keeping is the key
It is a practice in some Canadian banks to have a Ledger keeper in charge of certified cheques. It is his duty to oversee the check and determine if the customer has enough funds in his account to issue a certified cheque. Once he gives the signature on the cheque, it is given to the customer. The amount will be deducted from the customer’s account. The bank will then be responsible for the payment to the person or account to who the cheque has been written to. Certified cheques ensure that certain financial transactions can be done with better trust regarding the amount.
無回答 2014/02/13 18:10:53
引き落とした金額はどこに行くのですか?Pay to the order of の人の銀行に?どうやって?
レス11さんはMoney Orderの事を言ってるのではないですか?