Can I reactivate an old claim?
If you filed a claim for benefits within the last 52 weeks, you may be able to reactivate this claim. You can submit your application online or in person at your Service Canada Centre. To know more...
# Is it always the best option to reactivate an existing claim?
In certain situations it may be to your advantage to cancel or end your old claim and start a new one instead. If you are interested in doing so, please contact us within 30 days. To know more on the duration of a benefit period...
# If my claim is automatically reactivated, will I have to complete another application when my benefits run out?
If there are 4 weeks or less payable on your claim and you have not worked since we reactivated it, you will not need to complete another application. In all other cases, you will have to reapply once you receive your final payment notice.
ここで条件とか見つけられるんじゃないですか?たぶん、Old claimをReactivateする条件って前回申し込んだときの条件と一緒なんじゃないですか?