"2 month notice to end tenancy for landlord’s use of property"
REASONS FOR THIS 2 MONTH NOTICE TO END THE TENANCY (put an “x” in all the boxes that apply)
1.The rental unit will be occupied by the landlord or the landlord’s spouse or a close family member (father, mother, or child) of the landlord or the landlord’s spouse
2.A family corporation owns the rental unit and it will be occupied by an individual who owns, or whose close family members own, all the voting shares
3.All of the conditions for sale of the rental unit have been satisfied and the purchaser has asked the landlord, in writing, to give this Notice because the purchaser or a close family member intends in good faith to occupy the rental unit
4.The landlord has all necessary permits and approvals required by law to demolish the rental unit or repair the rental unit in a manner that requires the rental unit to be vacant
5.The landlord intends to convert the residential property to strata lots or a not-for-profit housing cooperative
6.The landlord intends to convert the rental unit for use by a caretaker, manager or superintendent of the residential property
7.The landlord has all necessary permits and approvals required by law to convert the rental unit to a non-residential use
8.The tenant no longer qualifies for the subsidized rental unit