At the Canadian POE - CBSA agent will verify you have PR status and check if you have met the Residency Obligation. This can range from a wave into Canada to a detailed review of your time since becoming a PR.
If you return in a private vehicle, like your own car
If you return to Canada in a private vehicle, such as your own car, you do not need a PR card. You can use your Record of Landing (IMM 1000) or Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM 5292 or IMM 5688) instead.
You would have been given these documents:
if you applied from overseas: at the same time as your visa, or
if you applied from within Canada at your local visa office when you landed.
An officer will ask you questions to make sure you meet all of the residency requirements before they allow you to come back to Canada.
しかし、record of landingの用紙が見つからないのですが、パスポートに貼られたVisaとは違いますよね???
無回答 2015/02/26 11:53:40
とぴぬしさん、record of landing は失くしてはならない大切な書類ですよ。初めて移民になったときにくれる茶色の紙です。 で record of landing canada と入れてイメージのサーチをするとどんなものかでてきます。 あなたのパスポートに貼られたVisaはどんなものかはわかりませんのでコメントできません。
The new British Columbia Enhanced Driver’s Licence is a convenient document that allows B.C.-resident citizens to cross the border with a single piece of identification.
The enhanced driver’s licence was born in recognition that our border has changed and continues to change—and we can work together to ensure it changes for the better. B.C. has consistently called on Canada and the United States to work together for the security of our citizens and establish a border regime that is secure against high-risk traffic and smooth for low-risk travel and trade.
•British Columbia and Washington and our partners in the Pacific Northwest Economic Region remain seriously concerned about the impact of the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI) requirements on cross-border trade and tourism.
•About 30 per cent of overseas visitors to B.C. also travel to Washington and the Pacific Northwest when visiting B.C. Washington projects that up to 25 per cent of visitors to the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games in Vancouver will travel through that state to B.C.
•Current estimates suggest 73,000 additional travellers will cross from Washington to B.C. during the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games—approximately 5,000 people per day of the Games.
•B.C. and the State of Washington led the way in finding effective, efficient solutions—working with the governments of Canada and the United States to establish a secure and convenient document that meets U.S. document requirements for land and water border crossings.