June 29, 2000、8年前のポイントロバーツの紹介記事ですが、、、
あと、シャチよりも珍しい、False Killer Whaleもいるそうら、(直訳だとシャチモドキね・・)
When I was there for about an hour one late-June morning, six orcas passed by and seemed quite content to frolic about a half-mile offshore. Two days earlier, Ben VanBuskirk, the park’s manager, told me that all three pods -- up to 82 whales -- spent several hours leaping, breaching and spy-hopping -- poking their heads up to see farther -- close to the park’s beach.
"The whales come by almost every day in July," VanBuskirk says. "In August, it’s maybe every other day and in September and October, maybe once a week."