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by無回答from無回答2023-12-04 21:41:39CA Forwarded from Vaccine Choice Canada

Wins of the Week – Dec 1 by Ted Kuntz

1. An Ontario Court Gives a Teacher who was Critical of Transgender Books the Go-Ahead for a Defamation Case Against School Board & Chair. Justice Ramsay handed down his ruling stating: “The Human Rights Code does not prohibit public discussion of issues related to transgenderism or minors and transgenderism. It does not prohibit public discussion of anything,” he said. The teacher was also granted $30,000 in costs.

2. A report which looks at the performance of the Public Safety ministry found that only 43 percent of Canadians think the federal government “respects individual rights and freedoms while ensuring the safety of Canadians.”

3. The Human Freedom Index, a report generated by the Cato and Fraser Institutes, reveals that Canada dropped six positions in its freedom ranking. Canada is now ranked 13th, behind Switzerland, Estonia, Denmark, Sweden, New Zealand, Ireland and Australia, among others.

4. Slovakia's PM stated that he will not support strengthening the powers of the World Health Organisation at the expense of sovereign states in the fight against pandemics.

5. On 22 November, 11 Members of the Estonian Parliament wrote a letter to the World Health Organisation to reject the proposed international agreement on the “Pandemic Treaty”.

6. On Monday, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith invoked the province’s Sovereignty Act to protect its power generating companies from Ottawa’s Clean Electricity Regulations .

7. A Saskatchewan Labour Arbitrator ruled that firing employees due to their unwillingness to get the vaccine or be tested was unjustified. The Arbitrator ruled that the employees must be reinstated saying the employer did not have just cause for dismissal.

8. In the first 7 days, more than 140,000 Canadians have signed a House of Commons petition calling on House of Commons to invoke a vote of no confidence against Trudeau. https://www.ourcommons.ca/petitions/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-4701

9. Pfizer is suing the Republic of Poland for $1.3 billion because of its refusal to purchase 60 million more doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. In April 2022 Warsaw halted delivery on Pfizer shots saying they were no longer needed. Following Poland’s decision, nine other countries in Central and Eastern Europe also began complaining that they were locked into buying vaccines they did not need and demanded the EU re-negotiate the deal with Pfizer.

10. Yesterday, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton launched legal action against Pfizer, alleging that the drug maker misrepresented the efficacy of its COVID-19 vaccine. Mr. Paxton stated: “This pandemic was a deeply challenging time for Americans. If any company illegally took advantage of consumers during this period or compromised people’s safety to increase their profits, they will be held responsible.”

11. In New Zealand, oil and gas exploration will be allowed again and a tax on utility vehicles designed to give a market advantage to electric vehicles is being removed.

12. Argentina has declared its intention to abolish its Ministry of Environment and Sustainability.

13. A New York Times op-ed published on Nov.18 stated: “The evidence is now in, and it is startling. The school closures that took 50 million children out of classrooms at the start of the pandemic may prove to be the most damaging disruption in the history of American education.”

14. According to a Bank of Canada Survey, 85% of Canadians say they won’t use Digital Currency. 80% of respondents also said regulations should be put in place to require merchants to accept cash as a form of payment. 60% said they do not trust the Bank of Canada to consider the public’s feedback regarding the CBDC.

15. The BC Public Service Employees for Freedom Society have initiated a class action lawsuit on behalf of all unionized employees as a result of the Province’s vaccination mandate imposed on provincial government employees in November 2021.

16. Local Kelowna freedom activist Linda Jackson was awarded some measure of satisfaction when the Crown stayed the charge of disrupting the 2021 Remembrance Day gathering that Linda organized. The Crown realized that it is not possible to disturb or interrupt one’s own event! Sadly, Linda had to endure almost two years of stress, research and preparatory work leading up to this decision to stay the charge. Thank you to Linda for refusing to plea bargain or negotiate away our rights and freedoms !

17. On Tuesday the Commissioners for the National Citizens Inquiry issued their final report. This incredibly comprehensive report is shocking in both it’s massive scope and the heart-wrenching stories of unnecessary suffering and systematic abuse that has been unleashed upon Canadians, by our own government! We will hear more about this report from our first guests.
The report is more than 4000 pages, covering the more than 300 testimonies received and offering more than 100 recommendations.

18. Dr. Charles Hoffe – speak to the Christine Anderson tour

Nurse practitioners will now be able to open their own clinics in Alberta. This is a fantastic initiative because not every medical visit requires a full MD so it will quickly take pressure off emergency rooms and other clinics, thereby reducing wait times, improving the quality of service and the amount of personal attention that patients receive. At the launch of this initiative Premier Danielle Smith said, “It’s unfortunate nurse practitioners have been under utilized in Alberta, because they can provide an incredible service to Albertans.”

3. The Alberta government will also be providing a grant to the Nurse Practitioner Association of Alberta (NPAA). This spending will help to recruit and prepare nurse practitioners as they take on more responsibilities. It will also provide support to them as they move to independent practices and take on patients. Last week Alberta Health Minister, Adriana LaGrange, said primary care is the foundation of the healthcare system. “Addressing health workforce challenges is paramount, and delivering on this is something I take very seriously. This is precisely why we are implementing a nurse practitioner compensation model and closing this funding gap, so that we can have much needed capacity to our primary healthcare system and help more Albertans find a regular care provider.” At Canada Health Alliance we see this move heralding a whole new era for Registered Nurse Practitioners who will now have much greater opportunities in Alberta

6. In a surprising move, the Philippine’s House of Representatives has initiated a formal investigation into a staggering number of unexplained excess deaths since the introduction of the Covid vaccine. Citing official statistics, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Dan Fernandez, voiced the concerns that have led to this inquiry: “…this is about 260,000 excess deaths that we experienced in this country. We are shocked to find out that there were 262,000 excess deaths in 2021 alone.” He further added that the concerning trend continued into the following year, “After that, 2022, still had 67,000 excess deaths. These are all unexplained non-Covid deaths.” The government's decision to launch an investigation underscores the severity of the situation and the pressing need to find out what caused these excess deaths. With Covid-19 ruled out as the cause for these excess deaths, authorities are compelled to look elsewhere to understand the origins of this alarming fatality rate.


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